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Your search for sessile drop resulted in 11 matches...


The wettability tests were carried out under a vacuum at 700°C in the drop/substrate couples, where drop is pure aluminium (99.999%), substrate - Ni (99.8%) and Niox (oxidized). Test were carried out...

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The aim of this study was to determine the impact of technological factors (surface treatment and contact time) on the kinetics of wetting of nickel substrates by a liquid aluminum alloy. Wetting kinetics studies were carried out in vacuum at 700&...

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Wetting transparency of graphene deposited on copper in contact with liquid tin

Wetting behavior of liquid Sn (99.99%) on graphenecoated Cu substrate was investigated by the sessile drop method using two testing procedures: 1) classical contact heating (CH) of a couple of materials; 2) capillary purification (CP) allowing non...

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Effect of phosphorus content on the wettability of Ni-P coated surfaces by SAC305 alloy

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the chemical composition of Ni-P coating on the wettability kinetics of SAC305 liquid solder in contact with the Ni-P coating. The study was conducted in vacuum, at 230°C, for 5 minutes, usi...

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The influence of the drop-size effect on the wetting kinetics in SAC305/Ni system

The studies of the drop-size effect on the wetting kinetics of the nickel substrate by lead-free solder were performed by the sessile drop method in a vacuum at a temperature of 260°C.In this work, Sn-based alloy SAC305 (Ag - 3.0 wt. %, ...

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Stability of metal-ceramic slurry after multiple re-melting of A359 aluminum alloy based composite reinforced with Al2O3 particles

The sessile drop method was adopted to investigate the effect of multiple re-melting and casting of metal matrix composite on the structural stability of metal-ceramic slurry. Commercial aluminum matrix composite made of the A359Al alloy reinforce...

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Wettability, reactivity and interfaces in the Gd/TiO2 system

High-temperature interaction of liquid Gd in contact with dense, polycrystalline TiO2 substrate, was investigated. Wettability and reactivity tests were carried out at two different temperatures (1362°C and 1412°C) in flowing ga...

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Wetting behavior of Si-13.5B alloy on polycrystalline h-BN-based substrates

In this work, for the first time the results of an experimental evaluation of the high temperature behavior of molten Si-B alloy in contact with refractory materials at temperatures up to 1750°C, under static argon atmosphere (p = 850-900 mbar...

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A comparison of various imaging modes in scanning electron microscopy during evaluation of selected Si/refractory sessile drop couples after wettability tests at ultra-high temperature

In this work, FEI SciosTM field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG SEM) equipped with a unique combination of analytical and imaging detectors was utilized to examine structure and chemistry of selected Si/refractory couples...

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High-temperature interaction of molten vermicular graphite cast iron with Al2O3 substrate

The wetting behavior and reactivity between molten cast iron (originally vermicular graphite cast iron, containing in wt. %: 3.70 C, 2.30 Si, 0.44 Mn, 0.054 P, 0.017 Mg, 0.015 S) and commercial polycrystalline alumina (Al2O3 ...

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High temperature wettability and reactivity between molten Mg in contact with Ni substrate

The paper focuses on the experimental investigation of high temperature wetting behaviour of liquid pure Mg during a contact heating on Ni substrate by the sessile drop method. High temperature wettability test was performed by the ...

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